ArticlesCOVID-19Product Highlights

Viral RNA Preparation for Molecular Pathogen Detection: A New Application for Chelex 100 Resin and InstaGene Matrix

Although vaccines have helped alleviate the negative impact of COVID-19, its persistence across many areas of the globe reveals a continuous need for rapid, accurate, and economical COVID-19 testing. But is it even possible to isolate and detect viral RNA rapidly and economically? Here we highlight a repurposed tool for improved COVID-19 detection: Chelex 100 Resin and the related InstaGene Matrix for rapid, cost-effective viral RNA preservation and detection.
ArticlesCOVID-19General InterestProduct HighlightsReal-time qPCR/PCR

Countering COVID-19 with the Launch of Two New RT-PCR Kits

Bio-Rad is proud to introduce our new RT-PCR testing kits for COVID-19. These all-in-one kits are designed for sensitive, specific detection of SARS-CoV-2 alone, or simultaneous detection of SARS-CoV-2, influenza A, and influenza B. Read on to learn about each kit’s features.