ArticlesElectrophoresis/Western BlottingFeatured Stories

Around the World with the ChemiDoc™ MP Imaging System

Bio-Rad has long demonstrated innovation in imaging, with the introduction of the stain-free gel electrophoresis workflow, which was rapidly followed by the launch of the Gel Doc™ EZ imager. Now, this progression continues with the release of the ChemiDoc™ MP imaging system.
ArticlesReal-time qPCR/PCRTechnical Reports

A MIQE Case Study — Effect of RNA Sample Quality and Reference Gene Stability on Gene Expression Data

This tech report shows how qPCR can lead to erroneous conclusions regarding differences in MCM7 gene expression between normal and tumor human breast cancer samples if the key steps set out in the MIQE guidelines are not followed.
ArticlesProduct HighlightsReal-time qPCR/PCR

QX100™ Droplet Digital™ PCR system

Bio-Rad’s QX100™ Droplet Digital™ PCR system provides an absolute measure of target DNA molecules with unrivaled precision and accuracy.
ArticlesReal-time qPCR/PCRTechnical Reports

High-Throughput Automated Extraction of RNA Using the Aurum™ Total RNA 96 Kit

This tech report describes an automated method of RNA extraction using the Aurum total RNA 96 kit and its use in a magnetic–bead based automated process. Results show that throughput can be easily increased with the Aurum total RNA 96 kit and that the automation protocols yield more reliable results, particularly when high sample volumes are used.
ArticlesProduct HighlightsReal-time qPCR/PCR

Hard-Shell® 384-Well 480 PCR Plates

The proprietary warp-free Hard-Shell plates have a reputation as premium plates and were widely used on Bio-Rad, MJ, and Applied Biosystems instruments for the Human Genome Project. Now, researchers can use the same high-quality Hard-Shell plates on Roche LightCycler 480 instruments.
ArticlesProtocols and TipsReal-time qPCR/PCR

Guidelines for Developing Robust and Reproducible High-Resolution Melt Analysis Assays

Classifying and understanding genetic variation between populations and individuals is an important aim in the field of genomics. High resolution melt (HRM) analysis is the quantitative analysis of the melt curve of a DNA fragment following amplification by PCR and can be considered the next-generation application of amplicon melting analysis. Careful sample preparation and planning of experimental and assay design are crucial for robust and reproducible results.
ArticlesReal-time qPCR/PCRTechnical Reports

All cDNA Synthesis Kits Are Not Created Equal: RNase A Inhibition and Its Effect on qPCR Data

Not all cDNA synthesis kits have the same capacity to protect the integrity of RNA. An optimal level of RNase inhibitor is critical for powerful RNase inhibition and efficient reverse transcription. The iScript™ cDNA synthesis kit comes with a 5x iScript reaction mix and iScript reverse transcriptase, which is also blended with a potent RNase inhibitor.
ArticlesReal-time qPCR/PCRResearch Highlights

Research Applications for the EpiQ™ Chromatin Analysis Kit

EpiQ chromatin analysis kit is a novel epigenetics research tool for the quantitative assessment of chromatin structure in cultured cells. By combining in situ chromatin digestion, genomic DNA purification, and real-time PCR, the chromatin state for several gene promoters can be studied simultaneously.
Product Demonstration VideoReal-Time qPCR/PCR VideoVideos

1000-Series Touch Thermal Cyclers

Touch the future of PCR; introducing the 1000-series Touch thermal cyclers.