A Model System for Fast Screening of Optimal Protein Purification Conditions
ArticlesChromatographyTechnical Reports

A Model System for Fast Screening of Optimal Protein Purification Conditions

See how you can efficiently reduce identification of optimal protein purification conditions from five days to just 18 hours. All you need is a DOE model and the Multivariable Scouting tool and automation abilities of the NGC Chromatography System.
Minimize On-Column Aggregation during mAb Purification
ArticlesChromatographyProtocols and Tips

Got Purification Troubles?

Use our interactive infographic to find out how your resin-of-choice fares in on-column aggregate formation during monoclonal antibody purification. And find out what you can do to minimize these on-column aggregates.
A Resin for Purification of Large Biomolecules
ArticlesChromatographyProduct Highlights

A Resin Built Specifically for Large Biomolecule Purifications

Nuvia HP-Q is a high-performance strong anion exchange resin designed for purification of large biomolecules. See how its optimized particle and pore size leads to high target recovery and high-throughput purifications.
ChromatographyPast WebinarsWebinars

Increase Yield and Reproducibility While Saving Time by Automating Recombinant Protein Purification

Presented by: Philip Chapman, MSc, Senior Global Product Manager

View on demand

Learn how to quickly optimize conditions prior to automating a four-step purification of a histidine-tagged recombinant protein. Automating purification reduces a multi-day process into 12 hours while increasing yield and reproducibility.

Improve Aggregate Removal and Process Economy in Protein Purification
ArticlesChromatographyProduct Highlights

Improve Your Protein Purification Process Economy with CHT Ceramic Hydroxyapatite XT Media

CHT Ceramic Hydroxyapatite XT Media is designed for repeated use and exceptional resolution. It combines exceptional functionality with a long column life to help achieve high productivity and improved process economics. See how CHT XT can improve your protein purification.
ArticlesChromatographyResearch Highlights

Purification Trends: How Smart is Chromatography Automation?

What does automated protein purification mean today? What might it look like tomorrow? Bioradiations talks to a variety of users about what they’re doing now to implement automation in their purification processes, and what possibilities they envision that will improve chromatography in the near future.
ArticlesChromatographyTechnical Reports

Protein Purification Workflow Development Using Bio-Rad’s NGC™ Chromatography System

While using affinity tagging is the preferred method to achieve highly pure protein through recombinant expression, this approach isn’t feasible for all proteins. This tech report describes workflow optimizations using the NGC Chromatography System that allow users to achieve high purities with untagged proteins.
ArticlesChromatographyCustomer Stories

Unlocking the Structures of Natural Killer Cell Receptors with the NGC™ Chromatography System

Structural biologist Petr Novák employs the latest techniques to model natural killer cell receptor molecules, research that may one day result in powerful therapies to treat cancer and infections. Go inside the fascinating world of structural characterization and find out how Novák has integrated the NGC™ chromatography system into his effort to visualize these molecules in vivid detail.
ArticlesChromatographyCustomer Stories

The Chromatography Chronicles Part 5: Chromatography You Can Count On

In biochromatography, every purification or separation procedure that fails because of instrument malfunction wastes precious lab resources. That’s why Bio-Rad, in designing the NGC chromatography system, found new ways to engineer reliability into the chromatography experience. Here’s how they did it.
ArticlesChromatographyCustomer Stories

The Chromatography Chronicles Part 4: Chromatography’s Intuitive Side

Chromatography instruments have a bad reputation in terms of their complexity and difficulty of use. In response, Bio-Rad’s designers and engineers challenged themselves to make the new NGC™ chromatography system as simple and intuitive-to-use as possible. Learn about the new easier-to-use instrument interface they created as a result.