
The Process of Resin Screening

Process development scientists, faced with an increasing number of proteins or complex biomolecules, continuously search for robust purification methods that can be rapidly scaled for manufacturing. What are the optimal purification conditions for high throughput and yield? Which resin or resin combination best purifies the desired protein? How can an efficient, yet cost-effective process be established? The answer: use a systematic screening approach. Read on to learn more.
Chromatography VideoVideos

A Scalable Immobilized Metal Affinity Chromatography Media for Process Purification

Downstream process purification of proteins requires a resin with optimized bead size for ideal pressure/flow properties and decent dynamic binding capacity (DBC) that provides production efficiencies and good process economics. Nuvia IMAC Resin provides the mechanical strength, pore structures, ligand density, and particle size distribution required for an operational run at 300 cm/hr with a DBC of 40 mg/ml at 2 bar column backpressure. Protein purification can efficiently be scaled up from milligrams in the lab to kilograms in bioprocess manufacturing. The chemical stability of Nuvia IMAC Resins ensure efficient column regeneration, reproducibility between purification runs, extended column lifetime, and product purity. Watch our video to learn how Nuvia IMAC Resins overcome the challenges associated with process purification of proteins using metal affinity chromatography.
ArticlesChromatography VideoVideos

Two-Step Purification of Low-Expressing Recombinant Exoprotein A Using Mixed-Mode Chromatography

Purifying proteins that are not highly expressed can be challenging. Watch this video to learn about a case study demonstrating an efficient workflow for two-step purification of a low-expressing recombinant protein using mixed-mode chromatography.
ArticlesDrug Discovery and DevelopmentGeneral Interest

Advanced Cancer Therapeutics: Increasing Efficacy and Specificity and Reducing Toxicity

Research into human diseases has led to the development of novel monoclonal antibody drugs. These monoclonal antibody therapies have been successful because of their specificity and selectivity. However, ongoing development and successfully launching a new mAb drug require robust and reliable methods to screen for drug targets, demonstrate drug safety and efficacy, and scale up manufacturing to meet the stringent regulatory guidelines required for approval.
ArticlesChromatographyTechnical Reports

Purification of Untagged Proteins Made Attainable for Any Researcher

High purity protein is a common requirement for biochemical and structural studies. A common approach is to recombinantly express an affinity-tagged version of the protein of interest. However, this is not always a viable option. Here we showcase how the NGC Chromatography System and prepacked chromatography columns can be utilized to develop purification workflows for untagged proteins.
ChromatographyPast WebinarsWebinars

Automate Your Antibody Purification Workflow at Preparative and Analytical Scale

Presented by: Katie Schaefer, PhD, Global Product Manager, Bio-Rad
Peter Winship, PhD, Technical Product Manager, Teledyne Cetac Technologies

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Purification is a multistep process toward confirmation of a target protein’s purity. In this webinar you will learn how to automate your protein purification workflow by following the creation of a hypothetical monoclonal antibody (mAb). Dr. Schaefer and Dr. Winship expertly demonstrate how the NGC Chromatography System and the AEX-500 series Autosampler work together to maximize screening capability as well as rapidly achieve therapeutic development objectives.

ArticlesChromatographyDrug Discovery and Development

Serving your Downstream Purification Needs

The Process Chromatography Team at Bio-Rad offers a variety of resources to address scientists’ needs during the downstream purification process. Visit our robust online library, which contains application notes, tutorials, webinars, and more, or contact us to speak with a specialist or request a customized seminar.

How to Make a Successful Vaccine

As phase 3 clinical trials of investigational vaccines for COVID-19 begin in the U.S., you may be wondering what it takes to make an effective vaccine? In case you missed it, check out our Hanging with My Chromies podcast, episodes 6 and 10 on vaccine development and viral spread, and learn about the role chromatography plays in making a successful vaccine.
ChromatographyPast WebinarsWebinars

Biosimilar Purification with Ion Exchange and Mixed-Mode Resins

Presented by: Randy Drevland, PhD, Senior Applications Scientist

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Dr. Drevland presents a viable alternative workflow for the development of a HUMIRA-like biosimilar using IEX and mixed-mode resins.

ArticlesChromatography VideoCustomer Stories

Maximizing the Efficiency of Production Workflows with NGC Chromatography Systems

See how an antibody expression service provider, Evitria (Zurich, Switzerland) optimized and expanded their antibody production services using the NGC Chromatography Systems to meet the growing demands of their customers.