ArticlesReal-time qPCR/PCRTechnical Reports

Reference Gene Selection Using PrimePCR Plates and CFX Maestro Software

Reference gene selection and validation are very important for gene expression studies that involve different samples or experimental conditions and therefore are absolutely necessary before any further exploration. See how PrimePCR Reference Gene Selection Panels and CFX Maestro Software provide an easy-to-use system with which to select appropriate reference genes.
Do More with Less: Five Steps to Great Results Using One-Step Multiplex RT-qPCR
ArticlesFeatured StoriesProtocols and TipsReal-time qPCR/PCR

Do More with Less: Five Steps to Great Results Using One-Step Multiplex RT-qPCR

One-step multiplex RT-qPCR is a technique used to rapidly quantify multiple targets directly from RNA in a single reaction. But proper optimization and validation is essential for its success. These five tips will have you designing primers and probes, selecting reporters, and validating and optimizing your experiments like a pro.
Expanded Droplet Digital PCR Multiplexing Capability Using Two Different Strategies
ArticlesDroplet Digital PCR (ddPCR)Technical Reports

Expanded Droplet Digital PCR Multiplexing Capability Using Two Different Strategies

Multiplexing with Droplet Digital PCR (ddPCR) allows for improved sensitivity and precision, as well as increased low-level detection in limited sample types like liquid biopsies. Learn about amplitude and probe-mixing multiplexing and how our ddPCR Assays can help set you up for multiplexing success.
R-Loops in Cancer Research
ArticlesCell BiologyDrug Discovery and Development

R-Loops and Their Key Role in Cancer Research

R-loops are being investigated as potential therapeutic targets for cancer. Find out what they are, how they form, how their formation is controlled by our cells, and, above all, their potential as therapeutic targets.