Chromatography VideoVideos

Development of an IEX Purification Process for Lentiviral Vectors

In recent years, gene therapy treatments have increased significantly, requiring more efficient processes to purify and deliver these therapeutics. Lentiviral vectors (LVVs) are a type of retrovirus and are an effective tool for gene delivery. In this webinar, data are shown for a high-throughput screening strategy that was employed for LVV purification, which provided high yield as well as acceptable host cell protein (HCP) clearance.
ChromatographyFeatured WebinarsWebinars

Developing Efficient Downstream Purification Processes for Bispecific Antibodies

Modern chromatographic resins enable new strategies for downstream processing of bispecific antibodies. Watch this webinar to see case studies and workflows.
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A Polishing Strategy for Removing Impurities in Bispecific Antibody Purification

Bispecific antibodies pose unique challenges in downstream processing. See how impurities were efficiently removed by mixed-mode chromatography in this webinar.
Chromatography VideoVideos

mAb Purification Process Development Using Mixed-Mode Resins — The DOE Approach

In this case study, process chromatography application scientist Artur Stanczak presents a two-step mAb purification workflow, comparing multimodal resin alternatives used for the polishing step that occurs after protein A capture. The design of experiment (DOE) data presented characterizes the behavior of multiple mAbs with two different mixed-mode resins. The importance of scale, prior knowledge, and the stage of development will also be discussed. The results of both mixed-mode resin studies and the different DOE approaches demonstrate the ability to achieve high-purity products.
Chromatography VideoVideos

Assessing Viral Clearance in Early-Phase Process Development

Viral clearance studies are part of a multifaceted approach to ensure biopharmaceutical product safety. To prevent costly changes to a manufacturing process, it is important to assess each operation unit for its efficiency early on during downstream process development. See how a design of experiments (DOE) approach was utilized in this case study to investigate the effect of buffer pH and conductivity on the removal of impurities by an anion exchange (AEX) mixed-mode chromatography resin.
Featured WebinarsWebinars

mAb Purification Process Development Using Mixed-Mode Resins — The DOE Approach

This webinar shows a 2-step mAb purification workflow and compares multimodal options for polishing. See how these methods can achieve high-purity products.
Past WebinarsWebinars

Downstream Process Development for the Purification of Biosimilar Insulin from Escherichia coli

This webinar presents a downstream processing workflow for recombinant human insulin production from E. coli. Learn how proinsulin and insulin can be purified.
Past WebinarsWebinars

Purification of DNA Oligonucleotides using Anion Exchange Chromatography

In this webcast, see how Nuvia HP-Q Resin, an anion exchange resin, was used to purify oligonucleotides with phosphodiester backbones in a scaleable workflow.

The Process of Resin Screening

Process development scientists, faced with an increasing number of proteins or complex biomolecules, continuously search for robust purification methods that can be rapidly scaled for manufacturing. What are the optimal purification conditions for high throughput and yield? Which resin or resin combination best purifies the desired protein? How can an efficient, yet cost-effective process be established? The answer: use a systematic screening approach. Read on to learn more.
Chromatography VideoVideos

A Scalable Immobilized Metal Affinity Chromatography Media for Process Purification

Downstream process purification of proteins requires a resin with optimized bead size for ideal pressure/flow properties and decent dynamic binding capacity (DBC) that provides production efficiencies and good process economics. Nuvia IMAC Resin provides the mechanical strength, pore structures, ligand density, and particle size distribution required for an operational run at 300 cm/hr with a DBC of 40 mg/ml at 2 bar column backpressure. Protein purification can efficiently be scaled up from milligrams in the lab to kilograms in bioprocess manufacturing. The chemical stability of Nuvia IMAC Resins ensure efficient column regeneration, reproducibility between purification runs, extended column lifetime, and product purity. Watch our video to learn how Nuvia IMAC Resins overcome the challenges associated with process purification of proteins using metal affinity chromatography.