ArticlesCell BiologyTechniques

Flow Cytometry and the Law of Bottlenecks

Manufacturing and high-throughput screening may seem to have very little in common, but they are related at a fundamental level. Both seek to transform a raw material into a finished product, and both struggle with constraints, or bottlenecks, that reduce efficiency. How can we apply the revolutionary 20th century management principles of continuous improvement to 21st century flow cytometry?
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From flow cytometry to chromatography to western blot imaging to PCR plastics, learn more about Bio-Rad and see what’s possible in your research.
Improve the Quality of Your Cell Analysis with the ZE5™ Cell Analyzer
ArticlesCell BiologyProduct Highlights

Improve the Quality of Your Cell Analysis with the ZE5™ Cell Analyzer

Cell analysis is a crucial first step in many experiments so a reliable, flexible, and quick cell analyzer that produces high-resolution, reproducible results is what every lab needs. See how the ZE5™ Cell Analyzer can help improve the quality of your cell analysis experiments, instill confidence in your results, and shorten the time to publish.