ArticlesBio-Plex Multiplex AssaysTechnical Reports

Cross-Reactivity of Bio-Plex Pro™ Human Cancer Biomarker Assays to Mouse Proteins

Mice are an optimal model organism for human cancer studies. However, when experiments involve a human xenograft in a mouse host, cross-reactivity presents a major concern in measuring biomarkers. This technical report evaluates 14 Bio-Plex Pro Human Cancer Biomarker Assays for cross reactivity to mouse proteins and discusses the resulting data.
Past WebinarsWebinars

Biomarker Profiling in Diabetes and Cardiovascular Disease

In this presentation, Dr. James Mapes details how Bio-Plex Pro™ Human RBM Metabolic and Hormone Assays can be used to assess multiple protein biomarkers associated with diabetes and metabolic conditions linked to cardiovascular diseases. Learn what biomarkers are currently under investigation and why rigorous assay validation is critical.
ArticlesBio-Plex Multiplex AssaysTechnical Reports

Multiplex Analysis of Cell Death Markers Using Bio-Plex Pro™ RBM Apoptosis Assays

Bio-Rad’s new Bio-Plex Pro RBM Apoptosis Multiplex Assays enable complex, quantitative analyses of biomarkers in the intrinsic apoptosis pathway. Learn more about these biomarkers and view sample data and performance characteristics of these assays in this detailed technical report.
ArticlesCustomer StoriesDroplet Digital PCR (ddPCR)Featured Stories

Transforming Cancer Research: Droplet Digital PCR Plays Integral Role at Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center

Droplet Digital PCR has major implications for cancer studies, where the ability to accurately measure biomarkers may result in important insights into cancer genesis and progression. Find out about new findings on micro RNA and Tumor Infilitrating Lymphocytes made possible by ddPCR technology.
ArticlesBio-Plex Multiplex AssaysCustomer Stories

Profiling Dynamic Cancer Drug Responses with BioMarker Strategies, LLC and the Bio-Plex® Multiplex Immunoassay System

In an age of personalized medicine, getting the most out of highly targeted cancer therapies takes finding the best molecular targets for each patient. BioMarker Strategies LLC, a small startup, has been developing an innovative method to do this by modeling oncogenic pathway responses, but they needed to accurately measure the levels of phosphoproteins resulting from the activation of these genes. Learn how they are using the Bio-Plex multiplex immunoassay system to accurately quantify the proteins and generate functional signaling profiles for these oncogenes.