Bench PartnersBench Partners Video SeriesChromatography VideoTips and Techniques VideoVideos

Removing Air Bubbles from the NGC™ Chromatography System

This video explains how to remove bubbles and/or reduce bubble formation in your NGC System. Tips to reduce bubbles include warming up your multiwave detector for 30 to 60 min before use and flowing buffer at 0.1–0.2 ml/min in the manual mode until a stable/flat baseline is achieved before starting a method. The system may also be flushed with 100% methanol or ethanol at purge speed, with columns out of line, to remove bubbles.
Bench PartnersBench Partners Video SeriesChromatography VideoTips and Techniques VideoVideos

Using the Air Sensor on the NGC™ Chromatography System

This video describes the functions of the Air Sensor Module and how to connect it to the NGC Chromatography System. The NGC Air Sensor senses the end of sample or buffer and prevents the introduction of air into the system, which can damage columns and/or incur the loss of precious samples. Both small and large air sensors are available to fit the tubing being used. Steps for connecting the Air Sensor Module and associated air sensors are described including how to add the air sensors into the system flow path using ChromLab™ Software and the differences in using the air sensors in manual vs. method modes.
Droplet Digital PCR (ddPCR)Droplet Digital PCR (ddPCR) VideoVideos

Research Review: Phasing Genomes using
Droplet Digital™ PCR

Find out how a new Droplet Digital PCR-based technique called Drop Phase lets you quickly and easily phase genomes to better understand diseases like cystic fibrosis.
ArticlesChromatographyChromatography VideoProduct HighlightsVideos

How Do You Automate a Multicolumn Protein Purification?

Multicolumn purifications are tedious and the manual operations during this process introduce variabilities, affecting the success of purification and reproducibility of results. This whiteboard animation explains how an automated multi-dimensional chromatography method can make this an easier process with very high success rates.
Cell Biology VideoCustomer Testimonial VideoVideos

Expanding Flow Core Capabilities with the S3e™ Cell Sorter

Andy Riddell, Flow Cytometry Core Facility Manager at the Wellcome Trust- MRC Stem Cell Institutes, is expanding his core facility by allowing his researchers to conduct sorting on their own. In doing so, he is now free to explore and answer the challenging flow cytometry questions that require more of his expert time. Find out how the S3e Cell Sorter has allowed Andy that freedom and how easy sorting can be for researchers.
Customer Testimonial VideoReal-Time qPCR/PCR VideoVideos

Using PrimePCR™ qPCR Assays to Understand Breast Cancer Metastasis

Traci Lyons describes how PrimePCR Assays ended her laboratory’s struggle to find a qPCR assay that could reliably detect transcription of the cyclooxygenase-2 (Cox-2) gene, which they had identified as potentially prometastatic. Using the PrimePCR Assay for Cox-2, researchers in her lab were finally able to verify cyclooxygenase-2 knockdown, which is a necessary step toward confirming its role in breast cancer metastasis.
ArticlesChromatographyChromatography VideoVideos

How Does the Mixed Mode Interaction of a Media Help Achieve High Selectivity and Resolution?

The best chromatography media should yield high protein purity and product recovery as well as be versatile enough to purify difficult samples. Bio-Rad’s CHT™ Ceramic Hydroxyapatite achieves this by virtue of being able to interact with the proteins through multiple modes, making the process extremely efficient. The whiteboard animation describes the mode of action of CHT.
Electrophoresis/Western Blotting VideoProduct Demonstration VideoVideos

Western Blotting without Trial and Error: Use PrecisionAb™ Antibodies

Watch this video to see how PrecisionAb Validated Western Blotting Antibodies are defining a new standard of quality that you can trust to deliver superior results and reproducibility in western blotting.
Bench PartnersLab NotesReal-Time qPCR/PCR VideoVideos

How to Design Hydrolysis Probes for qPCR

What’s the optimal melting temperature for a hydrolysis probe? How long should your probe be? And why should you avoid 5′ guanines like the plague? This episode answers these questions and gives you five simple tricks for designing the perfect hydrolysis probe.
Bench PartnersLab NotesReal-Time qPCR/PCR VideoVideos

Six Tips for Increasing the Reproducibility of qPCR Experiments

Follow these six simple tips and you’ll increase the reproducibility of your qPCR experiments.