Droplet Digital PCR (ddPCR) VideoVideos

Did You Know That Beyond Sensitivity, ddPCR Provides Unrivaled Precision and Accuracy?

Methods that are highly accurate and precise provide the right answer, consistently. For digital PCR (dPCR), Poisson statistics dictate that the accuracy and precision of results are dependent on the accuracy and precision of sample partitions. This means that to get reliable dPCR results, you need to know your partition volume accurately and your partition volumes need to be consistent. See how our Droplet Digital PCR technology provides both accuracy and precision.
Cell Biology VideoVideos

The Pioneer Antibody Discovery Platform: Clinical-Quality Lead Candidates in Industry-Leading Timelines

Biotherapeutic antibody discovery is inherently challenging. Amongst the clinically proven technologies for antibody discovery is phage display — a technique utilized by one of the most recent and innovative solutions on the market: the Pioneer Antibody Discovery Platform.
Droplet Digital PCR (ddPCR) VideoVideos

Explore the Epigenomic Landscape of Single Cells with the scATAC You Seq

Gain access to high-performance chromatin profiling to unravel the complexities of cellular heterogeneity, differentiation, and disease-specific alterations in gene regulation. With single-cell ATAC-seq (assay for transposase-accessible chromatin using sequencing), you can delve into the gene regulatory landscape of individual cells, unlocking invaluable insights into the epigenomic mechanisms that shape their behavior.
Chromatography VideoVideos

mAb Purification Process Development Using Mixed-Mode Resins — The DOE Approach

In this case study, process chromatography application scientist Artur Stanczak presents a two-step mAb purification workflow, comparing multimodal resin alternatives used for the polishing step that occurs after protein A capture. The design of experiment (DOE) data presented characterizes the behavior of multiple mAbs with two different mixed-mode resins. The importance of scale, prior knowledge, and the stage of development will also be discussed. The results of both mixed-mode resin studies and the different DOE approaches demonstrate the ability to achieve high-purity products.
Real-Time qPCR/PCR VideoVideos

Introducing the PTC Tempo Thermal Cycler

The PTC Tempo Thermal Cycler represents the next generation of conventional PCR thermal cyclers from Bio-Rad. Engineered to maintain thermal performance, the PTC Tempo Thermal Cycler offers the flexibility to scale with your laboratory. The design features a refreshed, intuitive user interface and flexible connectivity options for streamlining protocol management. A motorized lid enables automation, taking your PCR to the next level with modern instrument control.
Chromatography VideoVideos

Efficient and Rapid Purification of E. coli–Expressed Toxin Recombinant Protein Fragments

Tetanus toxoid (TT) is a common carrier protein for conjugate vaccines, but its production is faced with significant challenges. Learn about a purification process that yields over 98% pure target protein in this video.
Chromatography VideoVideos

Assessing Viral Clearance in Early-Phase Process Development

Viral clearance studies are part of a multifaceted approach to ensure biopharmaceutical product safety. To prevent costly changes to a manufacturing process, it is important to assess each operation unit for its efficiency early on during downstream process development. See how a design of experiments (DOE) approach was utilized in this case study to investigate the effect of buffer pH and conductivity on the removal of impurities by an anion exchange (AEX) mixed-mode chromatography resin.
Chromatography VideoVideos

Scalable Purification Strategies for Viral Vectors and Vaccines

Large-scale downstream processing of viruses can face a range of obstacles different from those of many biotherapeutics. These challenges mostly arise from the size and complexity of the virus, which can affect product purity and recovery. Improvements of purification tools are necessary to overcome these challenges and must be engineered for easy scalability to meet manufacturing demands. In this video, Dr. Mark Snyder discusses common difficulties when developing purification strategies for vaccine production and gene therapy.
Electrophoresis/Western Blotting VideoTips and Techniques VideoVideos

Quick Tips for Western Blotting

Learn how to improve your western blotting results with our Quick Tips video series. Watch these 1–2 minute videos see how to perfect each step of the western blotting process.
Chromatography VideoVideos

What You Need to Know About Packing Resins at Process Scale

Learn best practices and guidelines for successfully packing different types of chromatography resins in this video webinar. This includes incompressible resins, like CHT Ceramic Hydroxyapatite Media, as well as traditional compressible resins. In general, parameters such as compression factor, settling rate, and attributes of the base matrix need to be considered when packing resins at process scale. Packing methods can be adapted to obtain simple, highly reproducible packing. Get tips here.