Bench PartnersBench Partners Video SeriesBio-Plex Multiplex Assays VideoTips and Techniques VideoVideos

Troubleshooting the Bio-Plex® 200 Multiplex Immunoassay System: Device Time-Out

A “device time-out” message on the Bio-Plex® 200 System occurs when the instrument’s needle or probe cannot move correctly. Watch this video for several troubleshooting steps to try when this message occurs.
Bench PartnersBench Partners Video SeriesBio-Plex Multiplex Assays VideoTips and Techniques VideoVideos

Troubleshooting the Bio-Plex® 200 Multiplex Immunoassay System: HTF Alarm

The high-throughput fluidics (HTF) alarm on the Bio-Plex® 200 System indicates a problem with the instrument’s sheath fluid delivery system. See the actions needed to quickly resolve potential issues with this system and get back to your research!
Bench PartnersBench Partners Video SeriesBio-Plex Multiplex Assays VideoTips and Techniques VideoVideos

Troubleshooting the Bio-Plex® 200 Multiplex Immunoassay System: Device Failed to Pressurize

During calibration of your Bio-Plex® 200 System, you may receive a “failed to pressurize message.” In this short video, get some easy fixes for the most common issues prompting this message.
Bench PartnersBench Partners Video SeriesElectrophoresis/Western Blotting VideoTips and Techniques VideoVideos

How to Remove Stripes from a Gel Image — ChemiDoc™ Imager Filter Alignment

Usually when stripes appear on a gel image produced with a ChemiDoc XRS+ or ChemiDoc MP Imaging System, a misaligned filter is the cause. Learn the simple steps to correct this issue with this video from Bench Partners.
Bench PartnersBench Partners Video SeriesCell Biology VideoProtocols and TipsTips and Techniques VideoVideos

TC20™ and TC10™ Cell Counters – Cleaning the Print Heads for Clear Printed Results

Most problems with misaligned printouts on the printer supplied with the TC20 and TC10 cell counters can be solved by cleaning the print heads. In this short video, find out the fast, easy, and effective way to clean these print heads so you can get back to your research!
Bench PartnersBench Partners Video SeriesGeneral Interest VideoTips and Techniques VideoVideos

Bio-Rad Supply Center — How-To Tips for Taking Inventory

In this new video series, Bio-Rad offers answers for some your most frequently asked questions. This installment covers setting up and taking inventory of your Bio-Rad Supply Center.
Bench PartnersBench Partners Video SeriesElectrophoresis/Western Blotting VideoTips and Techniques VideoVideos

Casting Polyacrylamide Gels with TGX™ and TGX Stain-Free™ FastCast™ Acrylamide Kits

Want a streamlined, easy workflow for hand casting polyacrylamide gels? This tutorial video shows how to use Bio-Rad’s new FastCast™ acrylamide kits to hand cast gels, saving time while providing the benefits of the latest precast gel chemistries.
Chromatography VideoCustomer Testimonial VideoVideos

Stand Up Against Downtime

Facing adversity with humor, some chromatographers are drawing on the healing power of laughter to deal with the frustrations of chromatography systems that just won’t work.
General Interest VideoVideos

The Aha! Moment – Bio Rad Science Ambassadors at the 2013 Day of Innovation

Enthusiastic students describe the fun they had with the Science Ambassador DNA experiment.