Customer Testimonial VideoElectrophoresis/Western Blotting VideoVideos

Using the ChemiDoc Touch Imaging System to Find Leukemia Targets at UCSF

Discover how researcher Ernesto Diaz-Flores uses the ChemiDoc Touch Imaging System as he investigates therapeutic targets for a subtype of childhood leukemia. An avid photographer, Diaz-Flores also talks about the links between his art and his science, and the technologies that help him in both fields.
Bench PartnersBench Partners Video SeriesElectrophoresis/Western Blotting VideoTips and Techniques VideoVideos

How to Remove Stripes from a Gel Image — ChemiDoc™ Imager Filter Alignment

Usually when stripes appear on a gel image produced with a ChemiDoc XRS+ or ChemiDoc MP Imaging System, a misaligned filter is the cause. Learn the simple steps to correct this issue with this video from Bench Partners.
Bench PartnersBench Partners Video SeriesElectrophoresis/Western Blotting VideoTips and Techniques VideoVideos

Casting Polyacrylamide Gels with TGX™ and TGX Stain-Free™ FastCast™ Acrylamide Kits

Want a streamlined, easy workflow for hand casting polyacrylamide gels? This tutorial video shows how to use Bio-Rad’s new FastCast™ acrylamide kits to hand cast gels, saving time while providing the benefits of the latest precast gel chemistries.
Customer Testimonial VideoElectrophoresis/Western Blotting VideoVideos

Revealing BRCA2 Pathways in Cancer with Bio-Rad’s V3 Western Workflow™

Research led by Prof. Ryan Jensen at Yale Medical School focuses on elucidating the links between BRCA gene mutations and breast cancer. Learn how researchers in his lab use Bio-Rad’s V3 Western Workflow to study interactions between BRCA proteins and the DNA repair protein RAD51. Understanding how these proteins interact in carcinogenesis and tumor growth will provide a new understanding of breast cancer mechanisms that could lead to new therapies.
Customer Testimonial VideoElectrophoresis/Western Blotting VideoVideos

ChemiDoc™ MP Imaging System Testimonial — KAIST, South Korea (full version)

Learn how scientists in the Gene Regulation Laboratory at the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) use the ChemiDoc MP imaging system in their work investigating the molecular machinery involved in epigenetic gene regulation.
Customer Testimonial VideoElectrophoresis/Western Blotting VideoVideos

ChemiDoc™ MP Imaging System Testimonial — Erlangen, Germany (full version)

Learn how scientists in the Department of Animal Physiology at the University of Erlangen in Erlangen, Germany use the ChemiDoc MP imaging system in their work investigating sensory systems, in particular, the eye.
Electrophoresis/Western Blotting VideoProduct Demonstration VideoVideos

PDQuest™ Software Tutorials

The nine PDQuest tutorials are chapterized so you can focus on what you want to learn. Each video runs from 3 to 9 minutes and features callout boxes that highlight important information to complement the audio explanations.
Electrophoresis/Western Blotting VideoVideos

V3 Western Workflow™

Bio-Rad’s five-step western blotting workflow incorporates traditional blotting techniques with innovative technology, allowing quick confirmation of gel runs and blot transfers, and simplifying protein normalization. See how it works.
Customer Testimonial VideoElectrophoresis/Western Blotting VideoVideos

Mini-PROTEAN® TGX™ Gels — Customer Testimonials

Scientists from UCSD, UCD, The Salk Institute, and the University of Alabama talk about the speed, performance, and quality of electrophoresis runs using the Mini-PROTEAN TGX gels in their labs.
Electrophoresis/Western Blotting VideoProduct Demonstration VideoVideos

PROTEAN® i12™ IEF System Introduction

Bio-Rad’s PROTEAN i12 IEF system is specially designed for running different sample types, different gradients, and multiple 2-D electrophoresis protocols at the same time. Watch the video to learn about all the new features of this IEF system.