Chromatography VideoVideos

A Mixed-Mode Approach — An Alternative to a Three-Step mAb Purification Process

Monoclonal antibody (mAb) purification methods often involve the use of resin-based chromatography. In this video, we compare a three-step mAb purification workflow, which uses Nuvia Ion Exchange Resins post–Protein A capture, to a two-step purification workflow, which includes a Protein A capture step followed by a mixed-mode chromatography step using Nuvia aPrime 4A Resin, a hydrophobic anion exchange resin. We present an additional two-step purification approach using Protein A resin followed by a calcium affinity cation exchange media, CHT Ceramic Hydroxyapatite XT Media. The results of both studies demonstrate that a high purity product can be attained using one fewer unit operation than traditional workflows.
Chromatography VideoVideos

Manufacturing a Recombinant Retrovirus — Downstream Purification Process Development

Enveloped virus and VLP purification can be difficult. Learn about key factors and a cGMP-compatible, low cost, scalable process for retrovirus vector capture.
Chromatography VideoVideos

A Scalable Immobilized Metal Affinity Chromatography Media for Process Purification

Downstream process purification of proteins requires a resin with optimized bead size for ideal pressure/flow properties and decent dynamic binding capacity (DBC) that provides production efficiencies and good process economics. Nuvia IMAC Resin provides the mechanical strength, pore structures, ligand density, and particle size distribution required for an operational run at 300 cm/hr with a DBC of 40 mg/ml at 2 bar column backpressure. Protein purification can efficiently be scaled up from milligrams in the lab to kilograms in bioprocess manufacturing. The chemical stability of Nuvia IMAC Resins ensure efficient column regeneration, reproducibility between purification runs, extended column lifetime, and product purity. Watch our video to learn how Nuvia IMAC Resins overcome the challenges associated with process purification of proteins using metal affinity chromatography.
ArticlesChromatography VideoVideos

Two-Step Purification of Low-Expressing Recombinant Exoprotein A Using Mixed-Mode Chromatography

Purifying proteins that are not highly expressed can be challenging. Watch this video to learn about a case study demonstrating an efficient workflow for two-step purification of a low-expressing recombinant protein using mixed-mode chromatography.
ArticlesChromatography VideoTips and Techniques VideoVideos

Single-Step Column Purification for H1N1 Virus
Using Nuvia HP-Q AEX Resin

Learn how a team developed a single-step workflow for column purification of the Influenza A H1N1 subtype using the recently developed Nuvia HP-Q Anion Exchange Resin. This protocol is scalable, efficient, and produced good yields with high purity.
ArticlesChromatography VideoCustomer Stories

Maximizing the Efficiency of Production Workflows with NGC Chromatography Systems

See how an antibody expression service provider, Evitria (Zurich, Switzerland) optimized and expanded their antibody production services using the NGC Chromatography Systems to meet the growing demands of their customers.
Discover Our Capabilities
ArticlesCell Biology VideoChromatography VideoElectrophoresis/Western Blotting VideoReal-Time qPCR/PCR Video

Discover Our Capabilities

From flow cytometry to chromatography to western blot imaging to PCR plastics, learn more about Bio-Rad and see what’s possible in your research.
Chromatography VideoVideos

Coupling Automated Chromatography with Faster Confirmation of Purity and Yield

We’ve combined the chromatography process with purity and yield assessment using stain-free gels to shorten and optimize your protein purification workflow. See how it’s done.
Bench PartnersBench Partners Video SeriesChromatography VideoTips and Techniques VideoVideos

Attaching a Dynaloop to the NGC™ Chromatography System

This video describes the three main steps in attaching a DynaLoop Sample Loop to the NGC™ Chromatography System to enable the injection of larger sample volumes: connecting the DynaLoop Sample Loop to the NGC Chromatography System, priming the DynaLoop Sample Loop, and creating a method in ChromLab™ Software.
Bench PartnersBench Partners Video SeriesChromatography VideoTips and Techniques VideoVideos

Calibrating the pH Valve on the NGC™ Chromatography System

The NGC pH valve provides real-time, in-line monitoring of buffer pH. In this video, you’ll learn how to connect the pH valve to the NGC System, add it to the flow path, and calibrate the valve using buffers at two different pH values. Features of the pH valve include accessible calibration ports and easy bypass of the probe when the NGC System is being cleaned.