ArticlesDrug Discovery and DevelopmentTechniques

Saving Lives: Innovative Therapeutic Applications of Ion Exchange Resins

Although chromatography resins are usually thought of as tools to purify medicines, groundbreaking treatments now utilize resin beads as an integral component of the therapy itself. These therapies are essential for treating certain cancers and inflammatory disorders.

6 Essential Considerations for Choosing Your Chromatography Resin

Choosing the right chromatography resin is a complex and critical decision that can significantly impact the success of your downstream purification workflow, whether for preparative or analytical applications. To make an informed choice, you must consider the scientific principles of the process, practical implications for your specific application, and attributes of the manufacturer.
ArticlesCell BiologyTechniques

Flow Cytometry and the Law of Bottlenecks

Manufacturing and high-throughput screening may seem to have very little in common, but they are related at a fundamental level. Both seek to transform a raw material into a finished product, and both struggle with constraints, or bottlenecks, that reduce efficiency. How can we apply the revolutionary 20th century management principles of continuous improvement to 21st century flow cytometry?