From Optimization to Automation: Multidimensional (Multi-D) Histidine-Tag Protein Purification

Mixed-Mode Chromatography for mAb S Aggregate Removal: Comparison of CHT™ Ceramic Hydroxyapatite, Capto adhere, and Capto adhere ImpRes

A Semi-Automated Quantitative PCR Approach to Assess Differential Anti-Apoptotic Gene Expression Patterns Associated with Prostate Cancer Progression

Ultra-Sensitive Quantification of Genome Editing Events Using Droplet Digital PCR

Advantages of Multidimensional (Multi-D) Chromatography Using the NGC™ Chromatography System over Traditional Sequential Chromatography

Bio-Plex Pro Human Inflammation Assays: Performance Data

Cross-Reactivity of Bio-Plex Pro™ Human Cancer Biomarker Assays to Mouse Proteins

Multiplex Analysis of Cell Death Markers Using Bio-Plex Pro™ RBM Apoptosis Assays

Better, Faster, and Less Expensive Gene Expression Analysis Using Multiplex One-Step RT-qPCR: A Case Study of Colorectal Cancer