ArticlesReal-time qPCR/PCRTechnical Reports

All cDNA Synthesis Kits Are Not Created Equal: RNase A Inhibition and Its Effect on qPCR Data

Not all cDNA synthesis kits have the same capacity to protect the integrity of RNA. An optimal level of RNase inhibitor is critical for powerful RNase inhibition and efficient reverse transcription. The iScript™ cDNA synthesis kit comes with a 5x iScript reaction mix and iScript reverse transcriptase, which is also blended with a potent RNase inhibitor.
ArticlesCell BiologyTechnical Reports

Comparison between the TC10™ Automated Cell Counter and the Lactate Dehydrogenase (LDH) Assay to Assess Cellular Toxicity in vitro

This tech report presents the results of a comparative study between the TC10 automated cell counter and the classical LDH assay to measure cell viability in suspension cells. Results show that the TC10 cell counter can replace the LDH assay to measure both the viability of cell suspensions and the cytotoxic effects of various compounds.
ArticlesBio-Plex Multiplex AssaysProduct Highlights

Bio-Plex Pro™ Mouse Th17 Cytokines

Bio-Plex Pro™ mouse Th17 assays are magnetic bead–based multiplex assays that offer accurate and reproducible measurements of 20 target molecules in serum, plasma, and tissue culture sample types for mouse models. These assays have been developed to provide reliable performance with the flexibility required to meet all of your research needs.
ArticlesReal-time qPCR/PCRResearch Highlights

Research Applications for the EpiQ™ Chromatin Analysis Kit

EpiQ chromatin analysis kit is a novel epigenetics research tool for the quantitative assessment of chromatin structure in cultured cells. By combining in situ chromatin digestion, genomic DNA purification, and real-time PCR, the chromatin state for several gene promoters can be studied simultaneously.