ArticlesBio-Plex Multiplex AssaysProduct Highlights

New Multiplex Assays for Th17 Cytokine Research

The Bio-Plex Pro human Th17 cytokine panel is a unique blend of magnetic bead-based multiplex immunoassays for the robust and reproducible measurement of 15+1 soluble proteins involved in the T-helper cell type 17 immune response pathway.
AppsReal-time qPCR/PCR

PrimePCR™ Lookup Tool

Use the PrimePCR lookup tool to find assays and panels for your genes of interest.
ArticlesDroplet Digital PCR (ddPCR)Product Highlights

A New Paradigm for Precise Quantitation of RNA

The one-step RT-ddPCR kit for probes creates a new paradigm for the precise quantitation of RNA by combining reverse transcription with Droplet Digital™ PCR (ddPCR™), providing an absolute measure of target RNA molecules with unrivaled precision and sensitivity
ArticlesProduct HighlightsReal-time qPCR/PCR

Introducing iTaq Universal Supermixes for Highest Quality qPCR Results on Any Instrument

The iTaq™ universal SYBR® Green supermix and iTaq™ universal probes supermix are ready-to-use 2x supermixes formulated for sensitive, efficient, and reproducible qPCR data on any instrument.
ArticlesFeatured StoriesReal-time qPCR/PCR

Third Generation PCR

The McCarroll laboratory studies the biological effects of human genome polymorphism, seeking to define how genome variation influences gene expression and risk of disease.
ArticlesElectrophoresis/Western BlottingFeatured Stories

Around the World with the ChemiDoc™ MP Imaging System

Bio-Rad has long demonstrated innovation in imaging, with the introduction of the stain-free gel electrophoresis workflow, which was rapidly followed by the launch of the Gel Doc™ EZ imager. Now, this progression continues with the release of the ChemiDoc™ MP imaging system.
ArticlesElectrophoresis/Western BlottingTechnical Reports

Application of Hexapeptide Libraries for Enhanced Protein Detection in Human Cellular Lysates

Hexapeptide libraries, such as Bio-Rad’s ProteoMiner™ protein enrichment technology, can significantly increase sensitivity of shotgun proteomics analyses of diverse complex samples. Underlying this increased sensitivity is the partial removal of high-abundance proteins leading to an increased representation of low-abundance proteins — a phenomenon described as dynamic range compression. Currently, hexapeptide libraries have been mostly used to increase proteomic detection in fluid samples (eg: saliva, plasma, etc.), but not in cellular lysates.
ArticlesElectrophoresis/Western BlottingProtocols and Tips

Transitioning from Chemiluminescent to Multiplex Fluorescent Blotting: Things to Consider

Today many researchers are considering changing their western blot detection method from chemiluminescence to multiplex fluorescence. There are several drivers behind this trend. Most significantly, fluorescent detection allows users to multiplex their western blots, enabling simultaneous detection of several target proteins at once, reducing or eliminating the need to strip and re-probe. Other benefits of fluorescence include better dynamic range, more quantitative results, and better signal stability over time.
ArticlesProtein Interaction AnalysisTechnical Reports

Highly Efficient Lipoparticle Capture and SPR Binding Kinetics of a Membrane Protein Using the ProteOn™ XPR36 Protein Interaction Array System

The genes coding for membrane proteins, such as G-protein coupled receptors (GPCR), ion channels, and other membrane-bound enzymes make up 25–30% of the human genome and membrane proteins are estimated to represent 30–40% of the top drug targets. There is growing research, industrial, and commercial interest in the study of membrane proteins in general, and more specifically in immobilizing membrane proteins to various biosensor surfaces.
ArticlesReal-time qPCR/PCRTechnical Reports

A MIQE Case Study — Effect of RNA Sample Quality and Reference Gene Stability on Gene Expression Data

This tech report shows how qPCR can lead to erroneous conclusions regarding differences in MCM7 gene expression between normal and tumor human breast cancer samples if the key steps set out in the MIQE guidelines are not followed.