ArticlesGeneral Interest

Six Things You Might Not Know About Bio-Rad’s Food Science Division (FSD)

What’s the science that keeps your food safe? Find out with an inside look at Bio-Rad’s Food Science Division, and discover how techniques from the research lab are applied every day to guard what you eat.
ArticlesChromatographyTechnical Reports

Advantages of Multidimensional (Multi-D) Chromatography Using the NGC™ Chromatography System over Traditional Sequential Chromatography

Traditional sequential chromatography typically requires intensive hands-on user manipulation, which could hinder the reproducibility of protein purification runs. Multi-D chromatography aims to improve this process while maintaining the efficacy of the traditional workflow.
ArticlesCustomer StoriesFeatured StoriesReal-time qPCR/PCR

Too Many Questions, Too Little Sample: Developing a Real-Time PCR Workflow for Monitoring Gene Expression in Limited Samples

Traditional real-time PCR workflows often limit the number of genes that can be studied, especially when sample amounts are small. A new workflow now allows Mark Kibschull of the Lunenfeld-Tanenbaum Research Institute in Toronto to track the expression of hundreds of genes using a fraction of the starting material required by traditional methods.
ArticlesElectrophoresis/Western BlottingProtocols and Tips

7 Tips for Choosing the Right Antibody for Western Blotting

Which antibody is the best to obtain a definitive and conclusive answer for my questions? How do I choose the best antibody for my purpose? These are standard questions that scientists ask time and time again. Here are a few tips to choose the most appropriate antibody for your specific application.
ArticlesGeneral InterestResearch Highlights

Researcher Profile: Suzanne Topalian Pioneers PD-1 Inhibitor Drug to Treat Advanced Cancer

Suzanne Topalian was recognized in 2014 by Nature as one of “Ten People Who Mattered This Year” for her contributions in pioneering nivolumab, a programmed cell death protein-1 (PD-1) inhibitor that was recently approved in Japan for advanced melanoma treatment and that shifts the paradigm for a wide range of cancer therapies.
ArticlesCustomer StoriesEducation CornerGeneral Interest

3 Moments of Inquiry with Bio-Rad’s pGLO™ Transformation and Inquiry for AP Biology: A ThINQ! Investigation Kit

“Inquiry-based” is the new buzzphrase in science education. But what do these learning practices look like on the ground? Visit one high school in Southern California and find out about this new approach to teaching science.
ArticlesCell BiologyProduct Highlights

Introducing the ZOE™ Fluorescent Cell Imager for Routine Cell Culture and Fluorescent Imaging Applications

Using traditional fluorescence microscopes for everyday cell imaging can be frustrating, with a lot of time spent in the darkroom mastering a highly specialized piece of equipment, all to accomplish relatively simple tasks. The ZOE Fluorescent Cell Imager eliminates the complexities of cell imaging by combining the ease of use of a personal tablet with the power of an inverted microscope. Check it out.
ArticlesElectrophoresis/Western BlottingProtocols and Tips

SureBeads™ Magnetic Beads Standard Immunoprecipitation Protocol

Immunoprecipitation (IP) is a commonly used protocol for concentrating and purifying proteins using specific antibodies and magnetic beads. Here is a simple IP protocol using Bio-Rad’s SureBeads Magnetic Beads.
ArticlesBio-Plex Multiplex AssaysTechnical Reports

Bio-Plex Pro Human Inflammation Assays: Performance Data

Bio-Rad’s Bio-Plex Pro Human Inflammation Assay measures 37 of the most relevant inflammation biomarkers, including TNF superfamily proteins, Treg cytokines, IFN proteins, and matrix metalloproteinases, in a single multiplex panel.Check out the performance characteristics of the assay panel in this report.
ArticlesFeatured StoriesGeneral Interest

Bioradiations Looks Back: 50 Years as Bio-Rad’s Life Science Resource

Bioradiations, Bio-Rad’s technical resource for life science research, sent out its first issue in 1965. How did this publication evolve in the years that followed? Take a look in our archives and find out!