ChromatographyPast WebinarsWebinars

Automate Your Antibody Purification Workflow at Preparative and Analytical Scale

Presented by: Katie Schaefer, PhD, Global Product Manager, Bio-Rad
Peter Winship, PhD, Technical Product Manager, Teledyne Cetac Technologies

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Purification is a multistep process toward confirmation of a target protein’s purity. In this webinar you will learn how to automate your protein purification workflow by following the creation of a hypothetical monoclonal antibody (mAb). Dr. Schaefer and Dr. Winship expertly demonstrate how the NGC Chromatography System and the AEX-500 series Autosampler work together to maximize screening capability as well as rapidly achieve therapeutic development objectives.

ArticlesCOVID-19Droplet Digital PCR (ddPCR)Featured StoriesGeneral Interest

Top Questions from Our Wastewater Surveillance Webinar

The COVID-19 pandemic has captured the attention of the world and won’t let go. And that has sparked efforts for creative solutions in some surprising places. Wastewater is not where most peoples’ minds go first when they think of airborne diseases, but it holds much promise for tracing and predicting SARS-CoV-2 outbreaks.
ArticlesBio-Plex Multiplex AssaysProtocols and TipsResearch Highlights

Inflamed in the Brain: A Protocol for Studying Neuroinflammation in Mouse Brain Tissue

Mice are critical model organisms for the study of neuroinflammation. But tissue quantity is often a limiting factor. In a recent paper, researchers describe a protocol for analysis of 33 cytokines and chemokines using only 50 μl of tissue homogenate. The remaining homogenate can be used for RNA extraction or other analysis.
ArticlesChromatographyGeneral Interest

Are biofuels good for the planet?

Will the trend toward using biofuels benefit the earth? Listen in as our Chromies team discusses different types of biofuels and how chromatography plays a role in developing mass produced and energy efficient biofuels.
ArticlesBio-Plex Multiplex AssaysDrug Discovery and DevelopmentGeneral Interest

Multiplex Immunoassays in the Race for a COVID-19 Vaccine

In vaccine development, safety and efficacy are critical. Recent studies have shown that multiplex immunoassays offer a flexible way to monitor immune responses. With the ever-increasing pressure on scientists to develop a practical COVID-19 vaccine, multiplex immunoassays stand out as a proven tool.
ArticlesChromatographyDrug Discovery and Development

Serving your Downstream Purification Needs

The Process Chromatography Team at Bio-Rad offers a variety of resources to address scientists’ needs during the downstream purification process. Visit our robust online library, which contains application notes, tutorials, webinars, and more, or contact us to speak with a specialist or request a customized seminar.
ArticlesDroplet Digital PCR (ddPCR)Drug Discovery and Development

Top 5 Challenges Faced by AAV Developers Today

Adeno-associated viruses (AAVs) are some of the most commonly used viral vectors for gene therapy, supporting approximately 250 clinical trials to date. However, the manufacturing processes are challenging to scale. Read about five key issues that gene therapy manufacturers who use AAVs need to look out for.
ArticlesProduct HighlightsReal-time qPCR/PCR

Introducing the Reliance Select cDNA Synthesis Kit

The Reliance Select cDNA Synthesis Kit is the newest reverse transcription product from Bio-Rad. This high-performance kit features Reliance Reverse Transcriptase, a novel chimeric enzyme that delivers superior results across a broad dynamic range, even with challenging samples. The Reliance Select cDNA Synthesis Kit delivers more accurate reverse transcription quantitative PCR (RT-qPCR) results, even from samples containing PCR inhibitors or degraded RNA.
COVID-19General InterestPast WebinarsWebinars

The Role of Aberrant Cytokine Activity in COVID-19 Disease

Presented by: Kenneth Oh, PhD, Collaborations, Applications, and New Technology Senior Global Manager
Kelly King, PhD, Field Application Specialist II
Brad VanderWielen, PhD, Field Application Specialist II
Candice Cox, Global Marketing Manager, Immunoassays

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Emerging reports from the COVID 19 pandemic include a spectrum of patient symptoms due to the host immune response. In this webinar, Bio-Rad scientists discuss early research and nascent hypotheses about the pathophysiology of SARS CoV 2–induced COVID 19 disease by evaluating cytokine and chemokine profiles, the role of chronic inflammation in comorbidities, and the arc of immune resolution of historical virulent pathogens, such as SARS and MERS.

ArticlesDroplet Digital PCR (ddPCR)Drug Discovery and DevelopmentFeatured StoriesGeneral Interest

A New International Standard to Measure DNA?

From quantifying a patient’s tumor DNA to counting the viral load of an individual infected with COVID-19, the breadth of digital PCR (dPCR) applications continues to grow and fulfill critical scientific needs. dPCR offers the ability to count nucleic acid molecules directly, rather than extrapolating the quantity from standard curves as with many other methods. By harmonizing diagnostic procedures on dPCR platforms, the scientific and medical communities can become more coordinated and efficient.