COVID-19General InterestPast WebinarsWebinars

Immunological Response Factors to SARS-CoV-2 in Acquired Immunity

Multiple publications report variation in the duration of acquired immunity to SARS-CoV-2. In this webinar, Bio-Rad scientists review these reports and discuss factors that influence longevity of acquired immunity. Learn about the mechanisms behind acquired immunity and how cytokine and chemokine activity, preexisting conditions, and more can affect immunity duration.
ArticlesCOVID-19Droplet Digital PCR (ddPCR)Featured StoriesGeneral Interest

Top Questions from Our Wastewater Surveillance Webinar

The COVID-19 pandemic has captured the attention of the world and won’t let go. And that has sparked efforts for creative solutions in some surprising places. Wastewater is not where most peoples’ minds go first when they think of airborne diseases, but it holds much promise for tracing and predicting SARS-CoV-2 outbreaks.
ArticlesChromatographyGeneral Interest

Are biofuels good for the planet?

Will the trend toward using biofuels benefit the earth? Listen in as our Chromies team discusses different types of biofuels and how chromatography plays a role in developing mass produced and energy efficient biofuels.
ArticlesBio-Plex Multiplex AssaysDrug Discovery and DevelopmentGeneral Interest

Multiplex Immunoassays in the Race for a COVID-19 Vaccine

In vaccine development, safety and efficacy are critical. Recent studies have shown that multiplex immunoassays offer a flexible way to monitor immune responses. With the ever-increasing pressure on scientists to develop a practical COVID-19 vaccine, multiplex immunoassays stand out as a proven tool.
COVID-19General InterestPast WebinarsWebinars

The Role of Aberrant Cytokine Activity in COVID-19 Disease

Presented by: Kenneth Oh, PhD, Collaborations, Applications, and New Technology Senior Global Manager
Kelly King, PhD, Field Application Specialist II
Brad VanderWielen, PhD, Field Application Specialist II
Candice Cox, Global Marketing Manager, Immunoassays

View on demand

Emerging reports from the COVID 19 pandemic include a spectrum of patient symptoms due to the host immune response. In this webinar, Bio-Rad scientists discuss early research and nascent hypotheses about the pathophysiology of SARS CoV 2–induced COVID 19 disease by evaluating cytokine and chemokine profiles, the role of chronic inflammation in comorbidities, and the arc of immune resolution of historical virulent pathogens, such as SARS and MERS.

ArticlesDroplet Digital PCR (ddPCR)Drug Discovery and DevelopmentFeatured StoriesGeneral Interest

A New International Standard to Measure DNA?

From quantifying a patient’s tumor DNA to counting the viral load of an individual infected with COVID-19, the breadth of digital PCR (dPCR) applications continues to grow and fulfill critical scientific needs. dPCR offers the ability to count nucleic acid molecules directly, rather than extrapolating the quantity from standard curves as with many other methods. By harmonizing diagnostic procedures on dPCR platforms, the scientific and medical communities can become more coordinated and efficient.
ArticlesDrug Discovery and DevelopmentGeneral Interest

Data Standardization

Increasingly, biopharma research & development experimental data are siloed and stored in varying formats. This makes it difficult to search, retrieve and share data. Furthermore, these data are often not interoperable, making it impossible to compare. Data needs to be better managed to be more collaborative, shareable, and interoperable, in order to accelerate research and continue making breakthroughs. Data standardization aims to forge a path toward machine-readable and actionable data that can be found, accessed, and reused with minimal human intervention.
ArticlesDrug Discovery and DevelopmentGeneral Interest

Globally Aware Genomes — an Informatics Challenge

The Human Genome Project was completed nearly two decades ago, in 2003. The primary vision of this project was to produce a human reference genome, a representative example of the set of genes in one idealized individual human. However, the currently available reference genomes do not represent the genetic diversity found across different human populations. As such, any downstream products (drugs therapies, personalized medicine, etc.) derived from the human genome will not accurately represent the vast majority of the human population.
ArticlesChromatographyGeneral InterestProduct Highlights

Analyzing Carbohydrates

Carbohydrates are among the most important components of foods, providing energy as well as flavor, texture, and other physical properties. Identification and quantification of carbohydrates in food is commonly performed using high-performance liquid chromatography. Bio-Rad Aminex Ion Exchange Resins have become the industry standard for carbohydrate and organic acid analysis.
ArticlesDrug Discovery and DevelopmentGeneral Interest

A Novel CAR-T Cell Therapy Approach Using Fluorescence-Activated Cell Sorting and Stem Cell Transplantation

Successful chimeric antigen receptor- (CAR-) T cell therapy requires a target antigen that is unique to cancer cells. But what happens when there are no unique antigens? Researchers at Columbia University Medical Center addressed this problem by replacing healthy non-target cells with genetically modified versions lacking the CAR-T cell target. Their results, published in PNAS, may provide a new avenue for treatment of some types of cancer.