ArticlesElectrophoresis/Western BlottingProduct Highlights

Western Blot Detection without Interfering IgGs: A Mere Fantasy or a Real Possibility?

Interference from IgG heavy (~ 50 kD) or light (~25 kD) chains is very common when trying to visualize bands of immunoprecipitated proteins. If your band of interest has a molecular weight close to these, it becomes really hard to distinguish between the IgG and the band of interest. How could this be avoided? Bio-Rad’s new TidyBlot™ Western Blot Detection Reagent accomplishes this by binding exclusively to the native nondenatured antibodies rather than any IgG in the sample. Explore the performance characteristics of this new reagent.
ArticlesElectrophoresis/Western BlottingProduct Highlights

How Does an Antibody Qualify To Become a PrecisionAb™ Antibody?

Not all antibodies are created equal. Some have to work hard to qualify to become Bio-Rad’s PrecisionAb™ Antibody. Here is a diagrammatic representation of how the qualification criteria are determined.
ArticlesElectrophoresis/Western BlottingProduct Highlights

PrecisionAb™ Antibodies: Defining New Standards for Western Blotting

Choosing the right primary antibody is an arduous task. A lot of standardization needs to happen before we can determine that the antibody is specific and sensitive enough for the purpose of our experiment. The new PrecisonAb™ Antibodies from Bio-Rad go through vigorous testing and validation before they are deemed suitable, thus eliminating the process of trial and error for researchers. The video describes how the PrecisionAb antibodies are developed.
ArticlesElectrophoresis/Western BlottingProduct Highlights

The Antibody Challenge: Bio-Rad’s Precise Solution

Why western blotting, a technique used in every day research, is still not as straightforward as it seems? Well, it’s mainly because of the antibodies. They may not work in all samples, a lot of standardization needs to be done and there are several other unknowns. Bio-Rad, the leader in western blotting, has addressed these concerns in its newest line of antibodies, the PrecisionAb™ Antibodies. See the challenges and the Bio-Rad solution.
ArticlesElectrophoresis/Western BlottingProtocols and Tips

7 Tips for Choosing the Right Antibody for Western Blotting

Which antibody is the best to obtain a definitive and conclusive answer for my questions? How do I choose the best antibody for my purpose? These are standard questions that scientists ask time and time again. Here are a few tips to choose the most appropriate antibody for your specific application.
ArticlesElectrophoresis/Western BlottingProtocols and Tips

SureBeads™ Magnetic Beads Standard Immunoprecipitation Protocol

Immunoprecipitation (IP) is a commonly used protocol for concentrating and purifying proteins using specific antibodies and magnetic beads. Here is a simple IP protocol using Bio-Rad’s SureBeads Magnetic Beads.
ArticlesElectrophoresis/Western BlottingResearch Highlights

Trends in Protein Separation and Analysis — the Advance of Stain-Free Technology

What is stain-free technology? How does it work in electrophoresis and western blotting? How does it compare with existing staining techniques? What are its advantages and possible concerns? Here is a technical review of this rapidly growing technological advance.
ArticlesCustomer StoriesElectrophoresis/Western BlottingFeatured Stories

Telling the Story of Western Blots with the ChemiDoc Touch Imaging System

For a long time X-ray film has been the standard for imaging western blots, but this method has its limitations. Find out how 3 researchers are using the digital tools offered by the new ChemiDoc Touch Imaging System to beat these limitations and improve their blot images.
ArticlesElectrophoresis/Western BlottingProduct Highlights

Brighter Precision Plus Protein™ Dual Color Standard — The Brightest Protein Marker Available

Take a quick look at Bio-Rad’s brighter Precision Plus Protein™ Dual Color Standard with this article comparing this standard to other available protein markers. Plus, find out why the ability to visualize a protein standard after reprobing matters to one researcher!
ArticlesElectrophoresis/Western BlottingProduct Highlights

Bio-Rad’s FastCast™ Acrylamide Kits — It’s Time to Expect More from Your Handcast Gels

Hand casting polyacrylamide gels is not an easy task. It is laborious, needs lot of pre-planning and is cumbersome. Bio-Rad’s new TGX and TGX Stain-Free FastCast gel solutions not only address all these issues, but provide added benefits, such as increased speed, stain-free visualization, and quality control. Learn more about these new handcasting kits.