ChromatographyPast WebinarsWebinars

A New Mixed-Mode Media for Downstream Purification

Presented by: Daniel Yoshikawa, PhD, Global Product Manager, Process Chromatography
Mark A. Snyder, PhD, R&D Applications Manager, Process Chromatography

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Watch this webinar to learn about a new mixed-mode chromatography media used to purify biomolecules at process scale. It delivers unique selectivity and robust, uniformly sized beads with excellent pressure-flow properties ideal for bioprocess applications.

Minimize On-Column Aggregation during mAb Purification
ArticlesChromatographyProtocols and Tips

Got Purification Troubles?

Use our interactive infographic to find out how your resin-of-choice fares in on-column aggregate formation during monoclonal antibody purification. And find out what you can do to minimize these on-column aggregates.
A Resin for Purification of Large Biomolecules
ArticlesChromatographyProduct Highlights

A Resin Built Specifically for Large Biomolecule Purifications

Nuvia HP-Q is a high-performance strong anion exchange resin designed for purification of large biomolecules. See how its optimized particle and pore size leads to high target recovery and high-throughput purifications.
ChromatographyPast WebinarsWebinars

Increase Yield and Reproducibility While Saving Time by Automating Recombinant Protein Purification

Presented by: Philip Chapman, MSc, Senior Global Product Manager

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Learn how to quickly optimize conditions prior to automating a four-step purification of a histidine-tagged recombinant protein. Automating purification reduces a multi-day process into 12 hours while increasing yield and reproducibility.

Improve Aggregate Removal and Process Economy in Protein Purification
ArticlesChromatographyProduct Highlights

Improve Your Protein Purification Process Economy with CHT Ceramic Hydroxyapatite XT Media

CHT Ceramic Hydroxyapatite XT Media is designed for repeated use and exceptional resolution. It combines exceptional functionality with a long column life to help achieve high productivity and improved process economics. See how CHT XT can improve your protein purification.
Introducing the NGC™ Fraction Collector for Discovery to Process-Scale Protein Purification
ArticlesChromatographyProduct Highlights

Introducing the NGC™ Fraction Collector for Discovery to Process-Scale Protein Purification

The newly launched NGC™ Fraction Collector, together with ChromLab™ 5.0 Software, have enhanced the functionality of the NGC Chromatography System to provide the flexibility and collection capacity needed for any application, from discovery to scale up. See how the NGC System can help you improve your protein purification process.
Minimizing On-Column Monoclonal Antibody Aggregate Formation
ArticlesChromatographyTechnical Reports

Minimizing On-Column Monoclonal Antibody Aggregate Formation

The formation of aggregates is a common but highly undesirable occurrence during monoclonal antibody purification. See how on-column aggregation is dependent on the type of resin used and how one particular high-resolution cation exchange resin allows for the lowest proportion of aggregate formation.
ArticlesChromatographyGeneral Interest

Practical Experimental Design for Mixed-Mode Resins

Could you be missing opportunities to make the most of your time spent on protein chromatography experiments? Learn more about how Bio-Rad uses design of experiments (DoE) and our mixed-mode resin, Nuvia™ cPrime™, to optimize process-scale protein purification.
ArticlesChromatographyProduct Highlights

An IMAC Resin for a Highly Productive Histidine-Tagged Protein Purification Process

One of the advancements in protein purification has been to tag the protein of interest with a short sequence that can bind to an immobilized matrix and aid purification. Bio-Rad’s new IMAC resin offers a host of advantages for the purification of histidine-tagged proteins. Learn more about this resin and see how it can enhance the efficiency of your protein purification workflow.
ArticlesChromatographyFeatured StoriesGeneral Interest

Modern Improvements to Classic Technologies: Innovating Electrophoresis and Chromatography Upstream of Protein Characterization to Speed Up Research

When testing new drug therapies, it is essential to know the identity of the protein being tested. Chromatography is a commonly used technique to separate complex biological mixtures and isolate proteins of interest prior to downstream characterization. Learn more about how automating chromatography and stain-free technology are helping to save time and effort in protein purification.