In 2009, Bio-Rad first introduced the innovative Image Lab image acquisition and analysis software, a new software platform designed specifically for its Gel Doc and ChemiDoc imaging instruments, to capture and analyze digital image data from electrophoresis gels and blots. The software was designed around a protocol-driven interface that provides an automated workflow and reduces the time from image capture to analysis.

In conjunction with the recent launch of our newest blot imaging system, ChemiDoc MP, Image Lab software was updated with automated multiplex image capture. However, there were a few drawbacks with the update, such as a time-consuming multiplex analysis and protein normalization steps, and a possibility of obtaining results that were not reproducible. 

Image Lab’s latest release, version 4.1, addresses these user challenges by introducing new tools for total protein normalization using stain-free technology and for automated multiplex analysis. These tools build upon the V3 Western Workflow and enable reproducible blot quantification.

Image Lab 4.1 Stain-Free Total Protein Normalization Workflow

1. Open your multichannel image.


2. Select the Normalization Tools icon in the left hand tool bar.


3. A dialog box will pop up asking if you want the software to detect lanes and bands. Select Yes.


Choose your desired Band Detection Sensitivity and select OK.


Your lanes and bands are automatically detected.


4. To perform protein normalization, indicate which channel you want to normalize against, and whether you are performing total lane or housekeeping protein normalization.


Once the channel is selected all proteins detected in the other channels are automatically normalized to this channel.



With the release of Image Lab 4.1, Bio-Rad continues to raise the bar by providing not just another protein normalization or analysis tool, but an automated workflow that enables reproducible western blot quantification every time.

Contact your Bio-Rad instrument specialist or account manager for your updated copy today.

Ordering Information

Catalog # Description
1709690 Image Lab Software Software designed for automated image capture, optimization, and 1-D data analysis. PC and Mac compatible. For use with Gel Doc™ EZ, Gel Doc XR+, ChemiDoc™ XRS+, and ChemiDoc MP imaging systems.
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