Minimize On-Column Aggregates during mAb Purification

The Challenge
Have you seen two-peak elution of target monoclonal antibodies (mAb) after cation exchange (CEX) chromatography? The second elution peak consists of a mixture of monomers and aggregates of your target mAb and it leads to a decrease in your process yield.

Purification Tip
Choosing the optimal resin for your process will minimize on-column aggregates and maximize recovery. Be sure to screen multiple resins during your mAb purification process development.

Our Approach
On-column aggregate formation depends on the specific chromatography resin used. Resin structure, surface extenders, pore size and distribution each contribute to on-column aggregate formation. Bio-Rad’s Nuvia HR-S Resin — a strong cation exchanger with a pore size of 50 µm without surface extenders — minimizes on-column aggregates. Nuvia HR-S generates only 10% aggregate formation relative to competing resins under similar experimental conditions.

See how your resin-of-choice fares in on-column aggregate formation during monoclonal antibody purification.
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Fractogel SO3–
Nuvia HR-S