Obtaining high quality chemiluminescent blot images with little optimization is a challenge when dealing with a wide range of protein loads and expressions.
Bio-Rad’s new Clarity western ECL substrate provides high sensitivity (see Figure below), long signal duration, and low background even at long exposures. This combination of bright, long signal with low background makes it the perfect choice for routine use on film and digital imagers, even when re-imaging and multiple exposures are required.
The Clarity western ECL substrate is compatible with any HRP-conjugated secondary antibody and is offered in 200 and 500 ml size kits.
- Femtogram level sensitivity
- 1 year shelf life at room temperature
- 24 hours signal duration
Performance Data
Comparative blind study of chemiluminescent detection reagents conducted by University of Muenster lab using different substrates. A, 10 µg (lane 1), 5 µg (lane 2) and 2.5 µg (lane 3) of total proteins from rat brain S1 tissue were run on 10% Mini-PROTEAN® TGX™ gels and proteins were transferred with the Bio-Rad Trans-Blot® Turbo™ transfer system for 7 min. Protein of interest was detected using ECL Plus (), Clarity (
) and SuperSignal West Dura (
) chemiluminescent detection reagents. B, quantitation of total proteins was achieved by densitometer analysis of corresponding protein bands using the ChemiDoc™ MP system and Image Lab™ 4.0.1 software. In all the concentrations tested, the Clarity substrate proved to be the most sensitive detection reagent.
Ordering Information
Catalog# | Description |
1705060 | Clarity Western ECL Substrate, 200 ml, contains 100 ml Clarity western peroxide reagent and 100 ml Clarity western luminol/enhancer reagent |
1705061 | Clarity Western ECL Substrate, 500 ml, contains 250 ml Clarity western peroxide reagent and 250 ml Clarity western luminol/enhancer reagent |
SuperSignal is a trademark of Thermo Scientific Inc.