Electrophoresis/Western Blotting VideoVideos

Meet the Brightest ECL Substrate Around — Clarity Max™ Western ECL Substrate

See how our new high-sensitivity western ECL substrate, Clarity Max, can help you achieve greater western blotting success.
Chromatography VideoVideos

Coupling Automated Chromatography with Faster Confirmation of Purity and Yield

We’ve combined the chromatography process with purity and yield assessment using stain-free gels to shorten and optimize your protein purification workflow. See how it’s done.
Past WebinarsWebinars

Immunoprecipitation (IP) – Complex or Not?

Provides an overview of the IP process and hands-on-advice on how to design and control IP experiments.
ArticlesCell BiologyResearch Highlights

Monocytes — a Mini Review

Monocytes play key roles in mediating innate and adaptive immune responses. Here is an overview of the types, functions, process of recruitment, and the role of monocytes in disease.
Bench PartnersBench Partners Video SeriesCell Biology VideoTips and Techniques VideoVideos

Cleaning the Streams Camera Window on the S3e™ Cell Sorter

In this video we show you how to clean the camera streams window as part of routine maintenance for your S3e Cell Sorter.
Bench PartnersBench Partners Video SeriesChromatography VideoTips and Techniques VideoVideos

Attaching a Dynaloop to the NGC™ Chromatography System

This video describes the three main steps in attaching a DynaLoop Sample Loop to the NGC™ Chromatography System to enable the injection of larger sample volumes: connecting the DynaLoop Sample Loop to the NGC Chromatography System, priming the DynaLoop Sample Loop, and creating a method in ChromLab™ Software.
Bench PartnersBench Partners Video SeriesChromatography VideoTips and Techniques VideoVideos

Calibrating the pH Valve on the NGC™ Chromatography System

The NGC pH valve provides real-time, in-line monitoring of buffer pH. In this video, you’ll learn how to connect the pH valve to the NGC System, add it to the flow path, and calibrate the valve using buffers at two different pH values. Features of the pH valve include accessible calibration ports and easy bypass of the probe when the NGC System is being cleaned.
ChromatographyProtocols and Tips

Tips and Strategies for Successful Purification of Your Proteins

A biomolecule protein purification workflow requires more than one resin. The trick is to find the combination of resins that provides the highest purity in the least number of steps and at the lowest cost. Here are some guides to select the optimal resins for the purification of monoclonal antibodies, native and recombinant proteins, Ig G and mammalian and adenovirus, and for removing aggregates and endotoxins.