To Boldly Flow: Gain Confidence to Start Flow Cytometry
Presented by: Mike Blundell, PhD, Product Manager
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Flow cytometry is a powerful technique used widely in biological research, but if you are just beginning your flow journey, it can be hard to know where to start. In this webinar, you will:
- Learn the important steps to obtaining better flow cytometry data
- Get advice on how to apply this knowledge to improve your experiments
- Find out how Bio-Rad’s panel builder tool can help you design your experiments, no matter how many colors you plan to use

10 Tips for Western Blot Detection of Proteins Present in Tissue Lysates

Got Purification Troubles?

Increase Yield and Reproducibility While Saving Time by Automating Recombinant Protein Purification
Presented by: Philip Chapman, MSc, Senior Global Product Manager
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Learn how to quickly optimize conditions prior to automating a four-step purification of a histidine-tagged recombinant protein. Automating purification reduces a multi-day process into 12 hours while increasing yield and reproducibility.

When Small Matters — See How the ZE5 Cell Analyzer Can Help
Presented by: Yasha Talaga, MSc, Applications and Collaborations Product Manager, Cell Biology
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In this webinar, Yasha Talaga will explain how specific methodologies and instrument setup on the ZE5 Cell Analyzer allow for reliable exosome detection data.

Best Practices for the Best Western Blots
Presented by: Paul Liu, PhD, Product Manager, Western Blot Reagents and Devices, Protein Quantitation Marketing
Date: Tuesday, July 10, 2018
Time: 10 AM, U.S. Pacific time
Western blotting is an essential and ubiquitous method for protein research. We will discuss method optimization, data analysis best practices, and new advancements in imaging and fluorescent detection reagents that make western blot data more reproducible and quantitative.

Bio-Plex® Multiplex Immunoassay Technology Overview and Setting Up to Run an Assay
Presented by: Brett Houser
Date: Tuesday, March 20, 2018
Time: 9 AM, U.S. Pacific time
Multiplex immunoassays are an extremely powerful tool for protein detection and quantitation. In this webinar, get a general overview of multiplex immunoassay technology and tips on setting up experiments to optimize your results.

The Ups and Downs of Biosimilar Development

Generating Semi-Quantitative Western Blot Data Using Bio-Rad’s Image Lab™ 6.0 Software
Presented by: Kenneth J. Oh, PhD, Applications, Collaborations, and New Technology Manager, Protein Quantitation Marketing Group, Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc.
Date: Tuesday, March 6, 2018
Western blotting is a popular tool for protein quantitation, and the advent of digital imaging has greatly increased the sensitivity, dynamic range, and quantitation limits of this technique. In the second webinar in this series, get step-to-step instructions for normalizing western blot data using Image Lab 6.0 Software.