
How to Make a Successful Vaccine

As phase 3 clinical trials of investigational vaccines for COVID-19 begin in the U.S., you may be wondering what it takes to make an effective vaccine? In case you missed it, check out our Hanging with My Chromies podcast, episodes 6 and 10 on vaccine development and viral spread, and learn about the role chromatography plays in making a successful vaccine.

Episode 7: Data Standardization

Capture, management, and sharing of research data and metadata are a growing concern for the biopharma industry. Learn how data standardization can facilitate collaboration and improve accessibility.
ArticlesCell BiologyFeatured StoriesProtocols and Tips

10 Tips for Setting Up a Successful Cell Sorting Experiment

Incorporating fluorescence-based cell sorting into your lab grants you powerful access to new research areas and rarer cell types without sacrificing efficiency or results. New, powerful techniques like CRISPR and single-cell analysis are enhanced by the isolation of specific cells. But isolating cell populations of the right quality and quantity is both challenging and time consuming. We offer some tips to set yourself up for success and get the most out of your sorts.
Droplet Digital PCR (ddPCR)Past WebinarsWebinars

Expert Coffee Chats: Coffee Chat #4 – Droplet Digital PCR in Cell and Gene Therapy

Presented by: Matthew L. Turner, PhD, Field Application Scientist – ddPCR, NGC and qPCR, Tara Ellison, PhD, Senior Field Application Scientist

Date: June 17, 2020
Time: 9 AM, U.S. Pacific time

  • Robust methodology for viral titer using ddPCR
  • Precise copy number determination & improved confidence in acceptance criteria
  • Enhance your throughput and minimize hands-on time
  • Learn how ddPCR is used in other key applications

Episode 6: Genomic Data Disparities

Sequencing is used to identify novel drug targets and genetically stratifying clinical trial patients, improving the power of precision medicine. However, the global disparity of genomic technologies is increasing. How will this affect drug development, particularly for non-European ethnicities? Why is it important to have a global context for targeted therapies?
ArticlesReal-time qPCR/PCRTechnical Reports

Reference Gene Selection Using PrimePCR Plates and CFX Maestro Software

Reference gene selection and validation are very important for gene expression studies that involve different samples or experimental conditions and therefore are absolutely necessary before any further exploration. See how PrimePCR Reference Gene Selection Panels and CFX Maestro Software provide an easy-to-use system with which to select appropriate reference genes.
ChromatographyPast WebinarsWebinars

Biosimilar Purification with Ion Exchange and Mixed-Mode Resins

Presented by: Randy Drevland, PhD, Senior Applications Scientist

View on demand

Dr. Drevland presents a viable alternative workflow for the development of a HUMIRA-like biosimilar using IEX and mixed-mode resins.


Episode 5: Lab of the Future (LoTF)

Life science companies are looking to modernize their research environments and build the Lab of the Future. From early discovery to preclinical research, how can technology help automate the lab and accelerate discoveries?
ArticlesProduct Highlights

A Powerful Solution for NGS RNA Library Preparation

The SEQuoia Complete Stranded RNA Library Prep Kit is the newest addition to Bio-Rad’s next-generation sequencing (NGS) space. Capturing long and short RNAs and validated with FFPE and low-quality samples, see why it should be your top choice for high-performance RNA-Seq library prep.

Episode 4: Active Learning in Drug Discovery

What are the theories, algorithmic principles, and limitations of active learning? What are some current applications of active learning within BioPharma drug screening and optimization? How can active learning accelerate multi-dimensional drug discovery? Find out here.