Latest Droplet Digital PCR (ddPCR) Articles

ArticlesDroplet Digital PCR (ddPCR)

Insights from Droplet Digital PCR World 2024

In June, Bio-Rad hosted Droplet Digital PCR (ddPCR) World 2024, the premier digital PCR event bringing together global leaders in science and innovation. ddPCR World features experts showcasing how ddPCR technology has been instrumental in overcoming some of their most complex research and manufacturing challenges. In this article, we are excited to share key insights and cutting-edge research using ddPCR technology that are driving scientific breakthroughs across the globe.
ArticlesDroplet Digital PCR (ddPCR)

More to Learn from ESR1 Using ctDNA Analysis

Estrogen receptor 1 (ESR1) mutations in breast tumors were first identified nearly 30 years ago. Since then, technology has evolved, as has our understanding of the impact these mutations have on tumor cell physiology. Given the dynamic nature of ESR1 mutation acquisition and enrichment, ctDNA samples appear to be the most robust source for analysis. Droplet Digital PCR (ddPCR) enables rapid, highly sensitive, cost-effective analysis of ctDNA, providing a powerful tool for this critical area of cancer research.

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